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Updated 7/11/2011
Blossom Valley Parson Russell Terriers
Caliopi's 4-29-05 Litter
Updated 7/11/2011
Ch SPR Ghost Rider in the Sky x Ch Blossom Valley Caliopi
On April 29, 2005 Caliopi and Sky had a litter of 2 girls and 1 boy.  The pictures below were taken when they were 5 and 7 weeks old. 

Blossom Valley Ghost of Juliet (Juliet lives with Carl & Pam Smith, in Long Beach, CA

Blossom Valley Missy lives with Marlene and Glen Robertson in Thousand
At 6 months old (with Petey on the left at 10 weeks)
At 7 weeks old . . .

Teddy (Blossom Valley Theodore Roosevelt) lives with August and Lani Dougherty in Chino, CA

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Copyright 2005
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